Feeds 1 child for two weeks.
Delivering 12 Meals with a Message
Feed 1 child for a month.
Delivering 24 Meals with a Message
Feed 4 children for a month.
Delivering 93 Meals with a Message
$30k becomes $60k to ensure every child in 52 local Nicaraguan church feeding programs will receive daily meals throughout December.
Meal Funding for 52 Local
Churches this December
Every day 16,000 highly vulnerable children in Nicaragua depend on a nourishing meal from ORPHANetwork’s local church partners – but the high costs of food and fuel to deliver those meals has created a gap in funding, putting at-risk children at an even higher risk of hunger, undernourishment, and malnourishment. We urgently need your help. Every donation will deliver meals that send a message of hope to a child in a church feeding program – and from now until December 3rd, every dollar is matched!
Your $6 donation becomes $12, feeding one child for a month – delivering 24 meals & messages of hope.
We sat down with our gift partners and asked a very powerful question: