Who We Serve
The highly vulnerable children of Nicaragua, the poorest Spanish-speaking country in the world.
They are defined as such because in many ways they are victims of dynamics well out of their control. Natural disasters. The global food crisis. Global humanitarian crises. Covid variants. Inflation surges. Mounting debt for poor countries. Central American emigration. Much of this has a direct impact on hunger and inconsistent income generation.
How We Got Here →
In the communities we serve…
Almost 30% of the population will live below the national poverty line of $2.50 per day per person while 8% will struggle with extreme poverty surviving on less than $1.25 daily.
17% of children ages 0-5 suffer from chronic malnutrition
Over 1/3 of young adults (ages 15–24), are uneducated, having neither started or completed primary school
25% of teenage girls will become pregnant before the age of 19
Keren is 12 years-old